Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday(s)!!!

This week in April is always a big one for us!

Yesterday, April 7th, was Mike's 32nd birthday! We have been celebrating with family for about a week, isn't it nice that when you get older you truly do get a birthday week?! Yesterday though for the real day I picked him up from work and we had lunch at Vito's just the two of us, it was nice, we don't get to do that very often. As a surprise, I knew that the baby bedding was being delivered yesterday (which we have been anxiously awaiting), so I got everything all washed up and put together before he got home from work. When he got home I told him I had done some rearranging in the nursery and wanted his opinion. He was stunned when he walked in! We are both so happy with it, it really completes the room! I even caught him sneaking in and out of the room several times just to look at it again!
We ended the evening having a great dinner with family at Jiamen...great food, great conversation and great company! It was a really good night! Birthdays are a big deal with our family and I think Mike would agree that this one was very special. He looked at me last night as we were standing in the kitchen and said "this is my last birthday before I become a father!" We both know that birthdays will be that much more special when spent with our little one!

Today is Taylor's 27th birthday! Happy Birthday Tay! Usually we spend Mike & Taylor's birthday together the weekend before or after celebrating with a little tradition we like to call the Tiny Town Tavern Tour. Well, this year because of me and the stipulations put on me by the doctors, we didn't think a Tiny Town Tavern Tour would be something I should participate in, so bless them both, they decided to forego the festivities this year and settle for a Tiny Town Grill Out at our house in Robins last weekend. We still had a great time, but I have to admit it isn't quite the same when all of us remember exactly what went on!
Here are a few pictures from the first annual tour! Ah, the memories...

In all seriousness, Happy Birthday to both of you! I promise next year we will be OFF the wagon and ON the bus!

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