Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Walk Down Memory Lane

This weekend we went to Lamont, IA to visit my Grandma. It was the annual Lamont Days, this is a big tradition that has been going on for years in Lamont, it dates back long before I was born. Jason and I used to be in the Smith Insurance float...very proudly I might add! The town has changed a lot since then, but they still keep the parade going. My Grandma volunteers at the local coffeeshop and was proud to ride in the float and have her family watching...their float won first place!

Go Grandma Go!

Collecting Candy

Look at all my loot!

I'm having fun, are you?!

We lived in Lamont until right before I turned 4 years old! Believe it or not, I remember it well! My Grandfather owned an insurance office on Main Street called Smith Insurance. It is always so nice to go back and see that Smith Insurance is still is what started my family's legacy.

A few doors down from Smith Insurance stands a clock. That clock is in memorium of my Grandfather. He was a very well known man througout the community. In the afternoon we walked over to see the clock and show Lila the memorial and I whispered a little bit about how much her Great Grandfather would have loved her. We miss him dearly and it is moments like those when I miss him the most, yet feel the closest to him.It was a nice weekend spending it with family and enjoying some of the sunshine! It seems as if getting everyone together is a challenge these days and we know it meant a lot to my Grandma to have us all there. Who would have thought after all the years of being in the parade as a little girl, I would be going back with my little girl to watch it with her?!

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