Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Under the Weather

Lila has her first full blown cold. You would never know it in her attitude, still smiley and sweet, but you can see it in her little face when she looks at you that thing aren't quite right.

Not even a little cold can stop this smile!

She has a stuffy nose and was running a temperature this afternoon, so we decided to take her into the doctor, just to be safe. She has a little virus, her lungs are clear and no issue with her ears...thank goodness, I don't want to start ear infections this early, I have only heard horror stories about what that can bring! She did get weighed today and she is 14.13lbs. Getting bigger!

We snuggled most of the day, allowing her to get some quiet rest and ended the day in a nice warm bath to help loosen up the crud.

We call this eskimo baby!

Good night Lila, sleep tight...we hope you feel better tomorrow! We love you bug!

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