Sunday, October 18, 2009

Six Months Old!

Where has the time gone?! Little Miss Lila is 6 months old today. Unbelievable! Mike and I discussed it has been the FASTEST six months in our lives, yet the LONGEST six months of our lives, it is really a weird feeling! We have laughed, cried, laughed harder and cried harder than we have our whole lives in these past six months. What a journey we have already been on...and we can't wait for what lies ahead!

Here is a walk down memory is truly amazing to see how much she has changed in such a short time.

Welcome to the world! 4-18-09

Hello my name is: Lila Louise Eddins

Initial sleeping arrangement

Getting to know you...

Becoming alert and aware

Tummy Time

Who's that baby in the mirror?!

Growing into my swing

Sitting up like a big girl!

Getting bigger and bigger

Spending time with Ruby

Happy Go Lucky!

In other news, on Wednesday Lila got her first taste of baby food! We planned to do it on Friday, but when Daddy picked her up from daycare she was super hungry for her cereal and when the cereal was all gone and she still seemed as if she was starving we decided to introduce her to peas! We couldn't resist videotaping the first bites! At first she was pretty unfazed by it all, but once she slowed down a bit and realized that there was definitely a different flavor involved it was pretty comical!

We have been trying the new veggies with her cereal a few days in a row to be sure there aren't any allergic reactions. So far, she really has enjoyed the variation, in fact she really has taken a liking to sweet potatoes!

Tasty! Celebrating my 1/2 birthday!

Another adventure we are partaking on is the treacherous teething. Lila is such a happy girl that to have a fussy baby due to the pain in her mouth just about breaks our hearts. She usually only fusses for short time until we can get her something to make her feel better, but it is still hard on Mommy and Daddy. Mike and I both had our first teeth pop up late in our first year, so we are hoping for Lila's sake that this isn't the start of a long road ahead for her. I read in one of my books that the pain babies go through with teething would be excruciating to an my heart goes out to her. Once we get her soothed it isn't uncommon to see her snuggle up and fall asleep in a hurry.

Safe and sound in Daddy's arms

It is hard to even imagine what the next six months are going to bring us. She will have those pearly whites she is working on now, she will be mobile, from crawling to walking, she will be talking and eating solid foods...WOW! We are both so blessed to be parents to the most amazing little girl in the world! Just a mere six months ago today we welcomed you into our family and now we can't imagine life without you. We love you Lila Lou!

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