Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Into It!

I love fall!  The colors, the smells, the weather, it can't be beat! Today is one of my most FAVORITE fall traditions...our visit to the Pumpkin Patch!  Lila got all geared up in her boots and her fall sweater and off we went!

Mike and I have been going to Bart's Farm (ran by the Gingrich family) for a lot of years and it is so much fun to share in this tradition with Lila!  We normally go, just the three of us, but today was different...we had more people to share the experience with: Jason, Jen, Celia, Ruby, my Dad, Laura and Carson!

Our first stop at the pumpkin patch was the barn!  They have goats, cows and horses!  Today they even had a baby cow named  Barney...Lila wanted to know where Baby Bop and BJ were?!  HA!


After the barn it was pumpkin picking time!  They have so many pumpkins to choose from at the farm, from the very smallest pumpkin you can imagine to very large pumpkins that were difficult for most to pick up.  Thank goodness for the wagons!

Grandpa found two of the cutest pumpkins!

What did you find out in the patch?!

After all of our pumpkins were picked Lila got an extra special treat this year...a ride on a pony!!!  She was so excited she was hollering at the top of her lungs before getting in line!  Her pony's name was Princess and she was the perfect size for the little cowgirl!  She saddled up and didn't look back, she even rode one handed a few times to give everyone a wave!  

Look Ma, one hand!!!

A very happy little girl!

After the pony ride all we had left to do was pay for all of our treasures, load up the truck and take a few more pictures to remember the fun we had!

Eddins Family - Fall 2011

We brought home all of our fall findings, unloaded them and voila! our fall decor is in full swing!  It wouldn't be tradition without a picture of Lila with the pumpkins on the porch!  You will see that she has a good friend with her nestled amongst the straw this year!

A good little helper!

When we asked Lila if she wanted to go to the pumpkin patch she said "yes!" and we asked her what we do there and she said "sit in the pumpkins!"  We looked at each other in amazement...she was right, the first two years she was patiently nestled amongst the pumpkins!  This year we could barely get her to sit long enough to get a picture taken!  What fun!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

She is so sweet! Hope to see you guys soon!