Sunday, July 26, 2009

3 1/2 Months...

Little Ms. Lila is growing and growing and this week she has spent some time in her Bumbo. For those of you who don't know what a Bumbo is, it is a plastic seat that supports little ones when they sit up. The box had said that we could start using it at 3 mos. and sure enough, she really likes it. It is kind of hard to let go of the fact that she isn't a newborn anymore and it is even harder to accept how FAST she keeps changing!

This weekend we celebrated two very good friends birthdays! First, on Friday night we celebrated Monica's golden birthday! We grilled, ate birthday dessert and as always had a great time catching up. Lila was excited to show Monica and Brandon the ropes in order to get ready to have their own little one very soon! We are so excited to meet Baby Hahn and glad that Lila will have another little playmate in the near future. Happy Birthday (July 27th) Monica! We love you and are so lucky to have you in our lives!

Parenting looks good on you!

Saturday evening was our good friend Jason Clark's 40th birthday. We headed over to Jason and Jen's house to celebrate with 15 close friends and family. Clark had just gotten done riding on Ragbrai, a big accomplishment for him...he wanted to do before he turned 40! It was great catching up with everyone and extremely interesting to hear all about the adventures that Ragbrai had in store for him. Jason and his wife Jena are expecting a baby in December and they learn the sex on August 1st...we are (im)patiently waiting to find out as Jena is absolutley convinced they are having a girl this time! Big Brother Sebastian is excited either way! Happy Birthday Jason...even though we aren't blood relatives, you are family and we love you!

This week we have quite the crazy week as we don't have normal daycare. Jorden is in the Dells with her family (sounds fun) and our regular daycare provider is enjoying some time off. My Mom (Grammy) is coming to watch Lila Monday and Tuesday before she heads off to Oklahoma and then I will stay home with Lila on Wednesday, Daddy on Thursday and then Mommy again on Friday. It will actually be a nice way to spend a little more time with her before she goes to her regular daycare provider full time, it will be here before we know it.

Signing's bedtime!

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