Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Out of My Control

It has been an interesting week at our house. We were feeling pretty good about leaving town, Lila was on the mend, I was feeling better and then BOOM...Saturday hit! Both Lila and I went downhill and fast. By Sunday I went to the doctor only to find out that I have a severe virus...which you all know means NO antibiotics, just rest, rest, rest. Monday morning I took Lila in to the doctor to discover that she has a double ear infection and a viral infection left over from the RSV. I was blown away, as was the doctor, he couldn't believe that she was still in pretty good spirits with all that was ailing her. Poor baby!

So...with us leaving on Wednesday we had some tough decisions to make. We teetered back and forth, back and forth about what was the right thing to do. Do Mike and I still go to Miami? Do we both stay home? Does Mike stay home with Lila? None of the answers felt exactly right. By late Monday night we decided that I would go and that Mike would stay home with Lila and my Mom would help during the days to keep her quiet and get her all the rest she needs to kick this virus. Of course that means that I am heading to Miami all by myself, without my husband, selfishly I was upset. And it dawned on me...(lightbulb!) It isn't just about US anymore! I truly cannot control any of the madness going on around me. Talk about an A-HA moment!

Turns out, we made the right decision. Lila is still under the weather, slowly getting better we hope, but having some extra TLC from her Daddy will be the boost she needs! But that leaves little old me, in Miami with 150 of our clients from work, overseeing as one of my biggest projects throughout the year comes to a close (one I thoroughly enjoy), going on a cruise to Cozumel, warm weather and the only place I want to be is HOME!

1 comment:

Brad ; Amber said...

Oh Kir, your message in the sand is so sweet and breaks my heart for you guys! We are hoping that with lots of R&R for daddy and Lila this week, and warm sun for you; helps you all to be on the mend, healthy and home together very soon :)