Sunday, August 8, 2010

Through the Years

This past week has found us celebrating some of life's milestones! The moments that help pave the way to the person that you are today, the moments that have created some of life's greatest memories.

On Tuesday, August 3rd Mike and I celebrated the 12 year mark of our relationship. We had a nice dinner together discussing the summer (1998) that started it all! Neither of us having any idea that many years from then we would be looking back recounting all that twelve years can bring a couple! We have laughed together, cried together, but most of all grown together and it truly has gotten better with each passing year! Here are a few pictures from our younger years:

This Saturday was my 10 year high school reunion. We started the day with a tour of the high school which was really neat to see. They had started making a lot of changes, some of which we experienced our senior year, but the changes they have made since then are pretty amazing!

In the evening we all got together for dinner, drinks and entertainment in Marion at the Prairie Hill Pavilion. We graduated with quite a lot of people, just shy of 400, and it was a bit disappointing at the lack of attendance, but we still had a great time and it was good to see those that did come.

Waiting to take our class picture

After dinner we went downtown CR for some dueling pianos and more cocktails! It was a really great night and I am thrilled that I got to see a lot of my classmates that have moved away from Cedar Rapids. These people hold my history, considering I attended Linn-Mar from kindergarten through my senior year of high school I have literally known some of them since I was five, it is really quite amazing!

It is crazy to think about where we will be in the next 10, 15, 20 years! I can only hope that we are all just as happy, healthy and blessed as we are today!

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