Monday, September 6, 2010

Up for Anything!

BIG NEWS in the Eddins household! A few weeks ago Lila took her first true series of independent steps! She has been walking for months using her walking toys, in fact she would pick them up and walk with them, but she is a cautious child and letting go of those safety nets are hard for her! Low and behold, when she was ready she finally let go! YAY!!!

Last weekend found us heading north to Strawberry Point to celebrate my grandparent's anniversary (54 years) and several birthday's in our family! Gram and Gramp had the back pasture all cleared and we had a picnic, it was beautiful! Quite a backdrop with the horses and the green grass!

Looks like Mike might have a helper someday!

Lila with one of her most special people, Jorden!

Labor Day weekend marks a most treasured family tradition for us. The first Hawkeye game of the season! Once again, Lila joined in on the festivities, making this her 2nd Annual Hawkeye game! She continues to prove to us how amazing she is with her willingness to go along with anything!


Looking for some munchies!

Hangin' with the girls!
Future Hawkeye cheerleaders!

Sam and Magdalena Oshana, our extended family, came into town with their daughter Stella for the big game. Stella and Lila are two days apart in age and they were fast friends! It was so cute to watch them interact, they really enjoyed each other a lot. And it was great to see them!

Let's Go Hawks!

Daddy's Little Hawk!

Kickoff was at 11:00, which happens to be right in the middle of Lila's naptime. She proved that the roar of the crowd, the loud band and the bright sunshine wasn't going to keep her from getting some much needed rest! She snuggled right in and slept the whole second quarter, into the third!

Dreaming of a Hawkeye VICTORY!

Winding Down!

The Hawks won 37-7 making this their 10th season opener win in a row! We are having a blast sharing in this tradition with Lila. Mike thinks it is neat that she will be able to say that she has been to at least one game every year of her life! Here is to a winning season and to the start of many fall memories to come!

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