Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Best of Friends!

A year ago on our Arizona trip a very special friendship was formed! During a mother/daughter shopping trip we found ourselves at Anthropologie looking at all of their wonderful things! Little did Mommy know, but Lila was doing some shopping of her own! I looked down into the stroller to check in on her, being oh so quiet, and found her sitting very contently with a black and white friend on her lap. I circled back around trying to find where this little friend came from and low and behold found a shelf that was just her height that housed several soft, floppy friends! She was not interested in putting the puppy back then, nor when we tried to checkout, so "puppy" as we so affectionately call him was her treat!

How could we have ever known that this puppy would be as special as he is? Clearly this little girl knew all along, it was meant to be...

We don't go anywhere without puppy as he is the ultimate best friend! He is always along for some fun, snuggling in for a nap, or supporting us when tears are shed...this is PUPPY LOVE!

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