Sunday, May 15, 2011

Food! Family! Friends!

We have been keeping ourselves busy!  Last weekend my Mom ended up being in town so we were able to squeeze in a Mother's Day celebration on Saturday afternoon.  When you tell Lila that Celia and Ruby are coming over we can barely contain her anticipation!  The girls are so good together and it is so much fun to see them interact!  Because of Celia and Ruby we now have a certifiable Justin Bieber fan in the Eddins household!  She walks around asking for "Baby, Baby!"   

Three Amigas!
For Lila's birthday Grammy got her, her very own kitchen!  Mike and I spent an evening putting it all together and couldn't wait to show her, we knew it would be a big hit!  Sure enough, when we took her downstairs to unveil her new toy, she GASPED she was so excited!  We have quite the cook!  Her specialty is "pancakes," which really means cupcakes!

Kiss the Cook!

This weekend found us having an impromptu get together with the Hahn's.  Just like Celia and Ruby, if Lila knows Henley is coming over she squeals in delight and asks constantly when Henley will be here!  Watching these two is truly so sweet.  They are in awe of each other and do such a great job playing with each other that the adults actually get to have a nice time catching up as well! 

Lila is always excited to have friends over and she couldn't wait for Henley to come over and play with her new kitchen!  They spent a lot of time rooting around, playing with the pots and pans and of course enjoying their creations at the island after they were done cooking!

Cookin' for Two!
Loungin' Ladies!
It's amazing to think what these little girls will be up to in 10 years?!  I am sure it will involve whispers, giggles and lots of fun!  I think I can feel the gray hair coming on now! 

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