Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patty's Day Fun!

This St. Patrick's Day found us spending the beautiful day with friends!  With the beautiful weather we have been having it was a treat to spend our St. Patty's Day in short sleeves and enjoying the sunshine!  Who would have thought in March we would be having 80 degree weather?!  We'll take it!

A mischevious little leprechaun had visited the Holub home while the kids slept and left some evidence behind including green footprints and some treasures for the kids!  It was so sweet of Brad and Amber to include the other kiddos in the fun!

Little Leprechauns!

The girls had been planning this get together for awhile, so we took to the web to find things such as recipes and crafts for all of us to enjoy.  We decided to try a pickle recipe that mimics fried pickles, but without the frying, they were delicious!!!  Better than anything in a restaurant!  And Amber surprised us with this cute little appetizer to continue with the St. Patty's Day theme!  Yummy!

There is a pot of gold w/ this rainbow!

As I mentioned above, the weather was so nice, we grilled for dinner and even the kiddos were able to enjoy their dinner under the stars while the Daddy's enjoyed the patio and a few cold ones!

We had gotten so wrapped up in everything else we almost forgot to do the craft.  There was some research done to pick the right springtime/St. Patrick's Day craft and we ended up choosing to make homemade fireflies!

Cute crafters!

Decorating the wings!

The final product!

Shaking my firefly with my purple glow stick inside!

The kids were excited to take their new creations outside and watch them glow!  It is so much fun to do these little activities with them, before we know it they won't need our help at all.  By the time we realized it, it was 10:30 and we had four very tired little ones, it was time to go home.  Our drive home was rather quiet with a little girl snoozin' in the backseat in the glow of her firefly!

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