Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Bump in the Road

Just when we think the weather was going to turn and the nasty germs of the cold & flu season would be zapped with sunshine, Miss Lila comes down with a doozy of a cold. We had swimming lessons yesterday and had both mentioned how strange Lila was acting, very quiet and almost lathargic. Even when her friend Jozie came over to play, she just didn't seem all that into it. We chalked it up to teething and the new changes going on in her life aka: weaning from the bottle!

Boy were we wrong! She woke up this morning with a low grade temperature, a runny nose, she was sneezing and wheezing and had a thick cough. So, we loaded up and headed to the walk-in clinic to have her seen by a doctor. Surprisingly we got right in and the nurse and doctor were so good to Lila. They made sure she was comfortable while examining her by letting her stay put on Mommy's lap instead of getting up on the exam table. They determined that indeed she has a bad viral infection and gave her a nebulizer treatment at the office and then came back to monitor her after her treatment and thought that it helped, so back home we went with a nebulizer in tow.

Using a nebulizer is a first for Mike and I and we feel so helpless. We hope and pray that she gets better. She will definitely get lots of snuggles and lots of hugs and kisses...just what the doctor ordered!

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