Monday, July 19, 2010

Fifteen Month Check-up

Just as fast as our little baby came into our lives, she is growing out of her baby stage and into a toddler. I am not sure how it happened, but we are having a blast! There is never a dull moment with her, she is either busy tearing up the house or giggling at a silly book or song we are singing or enjoying a snuggle with her Mommy or Daddy!

We had her 15 month check up this afternoon and she is doing great according to our pediatrician! She is in the 75th percentile for weight, weighing in at 24 lbs. and she is in the 80th percentile for her height at 31 1/2 inches! Her head is tipping the charts at the 99th percentile, she gets that from her Daddy! We say it is to hold those big, smart brains!

We have been pretty busy over the past two weeks. Last weekend I spent some time with my girlfriends celebrating Monica's birthday (a bit early). We headed to Zin's for dinner, went to see RENT at our local theater and then out for drinks, we all had a great time!

This weekend found us heading to Monticello to visit Mike's Grandma Zumbach. She had family in from Kentucky, so it was nice to have lunch and visit with them for the afternoon! Lila sure made herself at home, soon Betty's living room was covered with Lila's toys. She also enjoyed pushing one of the chairs all around the kitchen! She was exposed to Grandma's homemade breadsticks and they were a hit!

Today Mike was sneezing in the bedroom as I was getting Lila her breakfast and the next thing we know she says "bess you!" Yes, no L, but either way, it was adorable! It is amazing how little ones make hearing "bless you," feel like you are hearing it for the first time!

So adorable!

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