Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oven Lovin'

Never a dull moment with a curious toddler in the house! Lila found a new "toy," the oven! Yes, I am sure there are some parents out there who are thinking we are fools for letting her play in the oven drawer, but she was bound and determined to get in it and we couldn't resist a picture to document her new finding! She played in the drawer for 20 minutes, perfectly content looking at herself in the glass and banging her hands on the door!

We have been enjoying a lot of firsts with Lila recently. Especially when it comes to words. Today as we were throwing the frisbee for Luca outside she said "WOAH!" when we threw it and then "catch" when Luca ran off the deck to get it frisbee. Then we were sitting inside on the couch and she looked at Daddy's arm, pointed and said "watch!" Ouch is another one of her latest...she seems to have replaced "uh-0h" with "ouch," so she has been frequently making Mommy and Daddy look around quickly to make sure she really isn't hurt!

She has been quite challenging in the food department. She was a great eater and we really took a backwards step when her two bottom teeth came in. She is working on her top two right now and it seems as if these are just as challenging as the bottom two were. We struggle with her dinner as she doesn't ever seem to want to have a full meal, but she had no problem eating up her chicken nuggets this afternoon for lunch!

The weather has been really nice this weekend. Even though it has been hot, it seems that by early afternoon the humidity has died down and it makes for a really nice evening. Even the puppies enjoyed being outside, soaking up some sun!

We have a quiet week ahead, which all of us are looking forward to! We hope the weather stays as nice as it has been so we can get in some family walks and play time out in the yard. Hard to believe, my brother just said "41 days until Hawkeye football kick-off." WHAT?! Where has the summer gone?!

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