Friday, April 24, 2009

Settling In!

Wow! What a week we have had! Tuesday we had an appointment back at the hospital to check Lila's bilruibin count. Because of her low birth weight and the fact that feeding was a little bit of a challenge she had been showing signs of jaundice. Her numbers in the hospital were under 12 which is what they like to see. When we went on Tuesday her number was 13.5 which was on the very low end of the jaundice scale. She weighed in at 6.3 lbs, which they were actually happy with because it meant that she didn't lose the full 10% of weight they expect newborns to lose when they go home from the hospital. They weren't overly worried about her numbers and told us that they would recheck her when they came for our in home visit on Wednesday.

Wednesday brought the in-home nurse to the house and everyone checked out good! Lila was right on track, including her weight, she had gained an ounce in 24 hours and her bilirubin test came back lower at a 12.3. They were very pleased to see everything moving in the right direction, her coloring is great too, so I am thankful that thus far we haven't had to do an at home bili light or any other measures to get her numbers back down...just keep her hydrated and her belly full!

We had her very first photo shoot on Wednesday as well! Heidi & Troy of Studio U Photography came by to document Lila's first professional photographs...what a blast! They are so wonderful and had so much fun doing the shoot which made it even more fun for Mommy & Daddy! I can't wait to share the pictures, as usual they did an amazing job and brought some really neat concepts along to use with the shoot!

Yesterday we made our very first Target trip! We needed to get some more supplies and Mommy hadn't been out of the house since Tuesday, so we got all ready to go and stopped and had lunch quickly and then off to Target. We didn't make it a long trip, just in and out, but she did great and it was the fresh air Mom really needed to bounce back!

Here are a few snapshots from the last few days! All in all things are great, living with a baby is quite the adjustment, but we are doing well and seriously could not imagine life without her now that she is here! We still find ourselves looking down at her in awe so proud that she is ours and that she is evidence of our love, in the living, breathing form!

Relaxing in my swing...ahhh!!!

In my big girl bed!

1 comment:

debbe lampe nelson said...

Aren't swings a wonderful wonderful invention? Hugs to you sweet girl!