Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo!

It is hard to believe that today was Lila's due date! Wow! I look down at her today and am so thankful that we are where we are instead of just starting this journey! She is now 17 days old and things are really good. We are getting into a good groove, learning all sorts of things about each other and adjusting to the new baby in the house...she fits in perfectly!

We have been busy with feedings, diapers, etc. but we have still made time to get out and about here and there. I am not one to sit cooped up in the house, so we have made a few little trips, which has helped keep Mom's sanity! We spent some quality time with Jen, Celia, Ruby and Grammy last week hanging out just the girls! Those times are so special...we very rarely get to do that. We have made a few trips to restaurants and Lila has done a wonderful job, I swear the more noise the better she sleeps! This last weekend, Sunday was beautiful, so we ran to the mall quick and then joined my Dad, Laura and Carson at Metro Football Fields to watch Cade's football game. It was a lot of fun and beautiful weather to be outside and get some fresh air! Cade's team, the Hawkeyes won, way to go!

We have had a lot of visitors too which is nice! It helps Mom get some adult interaction during the day...even though I find myself talking to Lila like she is an adult. I can't believe she will be answering back to me before I know it!

Mike and I are both really enjoying this time, even though we are exhausted. She is so sweet and innocent and loves to snuggle! It truly is hard to put her down! I cherish it now because once she becomes mobile I have a feeling we won't have that quality time as often.

Here are a few pictures of our little one...she is growing big everyday. Finally starting to graduate out of her preemie clothing into her newborn stuff...thank goodness, she has a whole closet of great clothes just waiting to be tapped into!

Sleeping Beauty!

Bright Eyed!

Snuggling with Grammy & Luca!

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