Thursday, March 26, 2009
34 weeks and more great news!
So, that being said, Dr. Olson said that as long as we continue down this path that she is willing to keep meeting weekly and even see about keeping the baby in there a little longer, so she mentioned that we will keep monitoring and potentially extend the "due date" to sometime between 37-39 weeks. Even though this seems like they are giving us two more weeks of pregnancy it is actually an awesome feeling to hear them say they are that confident that everything is okay. And it puts me one step closer to having a natural birth instead of an induction, which I am great with!
Of course I still need to keep up the good work of allowing my body time to rest and making sure that Mom and baby stay healthy, so they will keep me on the restricted activity, but it obviously seems to be working its magic, so I won't complain!
The hardest thing is the lack of human interaction during the day, but friends and family have been great and meeting me out for lunch or dinner here and there to get me out of my four walls and to humor me and tell me the latest news, etc! The days when I don't have the "treat" of getting out of the house, by the time Mike gets home I am about bouncing off the walls!
All in all everything is really good from our corner of the world! We are again so thankful that we had such a great appointment and thank God that everything seems to be going so well! The goal is to have a happy, healthy Mom and baby and we are happy to report that, that is exactly what we have!
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Great Day!
I am so relieved by that news considering I got myself all hyped up about going in and "flunking" my first week of instruction. It was so nice to hear that both of us are doing great and that everything seems to be paying off. They are still planning on taking the baby early, the week of the 13th, it is much better to deliver a healthy baby with a healthy Mom than to risk infection, so we are a-ok with that call! I am hoping next week when we meet with Dr. Olson again we will have a firm date set as to when we can expect this little girl!
When walking out of the doctor's office I got a phone call from the delivery company that they were heading to our house to deliver the crib!!! YAY! I got home and sure enough they were waiting out in the driveway for me to let them in the house. About 30 minutes later they had the crib all situated in the room and they were gone! What a slick deal!
It truly completes the room and is SO beautiful. It was somewhat emotional for me considering it is the last piece of furniture that we needed. We are still waiting on the bedding, so that is the last of the furnishings. We will of course do some art and pictures as we continue to go along, but we are in no huge hurry at this point!
I am so thankful to say that things are on the right track, everyone is healthy and happy, and we are one step closer to being "ready" to bring this baby into the world!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Showered...with love!
This shower too had wonderful food and they did an awesome job putting together the finest of details...even handing out my very favorite candy as a little shower gift to the guests...Cadbury Mini Eggs (yum)!
We got another big load of baby gear to take home: outfits, diapers, wipes, blankets, bath time stuff, night light, picture frames, books, pack n' play, toys, and even a diaper cake (with over 100 diapers in it)! And not to forget...cowboy boots & her very first horse! The girls got us a gift certificate to a photo studio to get us started when the baby arrives...GREAT gift, that is definitely one that will last a lifetime.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Slowing down...a bit!
I am still able to work...from home and still run a few errands, have a dinner out here and there, everything in moderation. It is by no means a chained to the bed, bed rest situation, it is precautionary so we don't run into any problems as we get closer and closer to delivering the baby. When she was talking about limiting my activity she realized that I was getting anxious and reassured me that this is not something to be concerned about, that again, they are just wanting to give me the best odds of not having that blood pressure start to climb and not come back down which in turn could put either me or the baby into an unfavorable situation.
I was alarmed at first, but as we talked through the situation with the doctor again and again, I came to realize how lucky we are to have a doctor that is really looking out for what is best for both me and the baby. This is by no means a terrible situation and one we can deal with very easily, I am thankful for the ability to keep working so I can stay busy...otherwise I would be scaling the walls by day 4!
They have also determined that they will induce us if we haven't gone already when we are 37 weeks, so we will for sure be at least 3 weeks earlier than our due date of May 5th. This also freaked me out a little, but the doctor said that at 37 weeks they are considered full term and at that point the babies are just putting on pounds and inches, so as long as she is hefty enough they are going to go ahead and schedule an induction around the week of April 13th. We need to get ourselves in gear and get some things done before that week is definitely forcing us to prepare a little faster than we thought, but we are excited to know she will be joining us in the very near future...right about 4 weeks!
Mike is already practicing his Dad skills and will make sure that I obey the doctor's orders worries there! We will still be out and about here and there, but we will just have to make some adjustments to how much and how fast we go all the time, in the long run I know it will be good for us all and it is good practice since you shouldn't be going like crazy with a newborn!
We are both so thankful to know that everyone is happy and healthy and that we have a great team of medical professionals looking after us...we much rather be proactive than reactive. It isn't exactly what we expected, but we are okay with how everything is proceeding and have faith in the fact that everything happens for a reason.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
32 Week Check-up and more...
We then took off for Iowa City! We had lunch at Graze, shopped at Dulcinea and then on to Coral Ridge! At Coral Ridge the girls rode the carousel, did Build a Bear and we ended the day with an ice cream cone and watched some ice skating! It really was a great day, we don't get to do it all that often with conflicting schedules!