Sunday, March 15, 2009

Showered...with love!

This week I had two baby showers! My first shower was thrown by my co-workers (also very dear friends). Shannon, Noelle, Jennifer and Carissa all put together a beautiful shower at Shannon's house on Wednesday evening! They did an amazing job matching the pink & green motif that the nursery is done in...down to the M&M's!

The company was great and the food was amazing! We got awesome gifts to take home and incorporate into the nursery: diapers, wipes, sound machine, tummy time mat, baby sling, bottles, blankets, toys, outfits, etc. (where will we put it all?)!

It is always so nice to get together outside of work, it gets hard to coordinate schedules, so I thank everyone so much for coming, it really means a lot to have such great people to work with that I can also call good friends!

Saturday was my "girls" shower at Cibo! My closest girlfriends: Taylor, Monica, Racquel and Jackie put together a wonderful shower!

This shower too had wonderful food and they did an awesome job putting together the finest of details...even handing out my very favorite candy as a little shower gift to the guests...Cadbury Mini Eggs (yum)!

We got another big load of baby gear to take home: outfits, diapers, wipes, blankets, bath time stuff, night light, picture frames, books, pack n' play, toys, and even a diaper cake (with over 100 diapers in it)! And not to forget...cowboy boots & her very first horse! The girls got us a gift certificate to a photo studio to get us started when the baby arrives...GREAT gift, that is definitely one that will last a lifetime.

It was so great to have all of my closest friends (and family) there to help me celebrate the arrival of this new girl into the circle...I can only hope she has the type of friends that I do when she grows up! I said this at the shower and I truly mean it, the real gift is the love and support from my family and friends as I enter into motherhood and Mike and I take this next step in our lives...we truly couldn't do it without you all!

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