Friday, March 20, 2009

A Great Day!

Today we had a follow-up doctor's appointment, we will be meeting with the doctor weekly now until the baby is born. I had to do another 24 hour urine collection yesterday leading up to my appointment, we dropped that off for lab and then went straight into my Non-Stress Test for the baby. Once again, she passed with flying colors! We then went in to meet with Dr. Bemus, another doctor on our rotation. He said all looks great, my blood pressure is where they want it and the baby is doing really we got clearance for another week of limited activity, he said "keep doing what you are doing!"

I am so relieved by that news considering I got myself all hyped up about going in and "flunking" my first week of instruction. It was so nice to hear that both of us are doing great and that everything seems to be paying off. They are still planning on taking the baby early, the week of the 13th, it is much better to deliver a healthy baby with a healthy Mom than to risk infection, so we are a-ok with that call! I am hoping next week when we meet with Dr. Olson again we will have a firm date set as to when we can expect this little girl!

When walking out of the doctor's office I got a phone call from the delivery company that they were heading to our house to deliver the crib!!! YAY! I got home and sure enough they were waiting out in the driveway for me to let them in the house. About 30 minutes later they had the crib all situated in the room and they were gone! What a slick deal!

It truly completes the room and is SO beautiful. It was somewhat emotional for me considering it is the last piece of furniture that we needed. We are still waiting on the bedding, so that is the last of the furnishings. We will of course do some art and pictures as we continue to go along, but we are in no huge hurry at this point!

I am so thankful to say that things are on the right track, everyone is healthy and happy, and we are one step closer to being "ready" to bring this baby into the world!

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